A charity is an organization that aims to help people who have no money, no home or people. The aid given by the relief community for the poor is non-repayable. People who are members of one of these associations are people who volunteer to help others. In order to do this generous act, they must be financed or raise funds. There are several ways to raise funds for charities – the three mentioned below are the safest.

Organize Attractive Events
Financing is a way to save the poor. But this subject is the first problem that prevents the association from developing. To make a good start to fundraising, you need to organize attractive events such as shows and concerts. You also need money to do this kind of event because the preparations are expensive. For rooms, asking the owner for help to offer you a room, free or at a reduced rate, is the way for them to participate in an act of charity.
Ask For Donations From Large Organizations
For orphans, children can do theatre scenes or songs. The call to artists is also a solution, they can participate in the actions that the association organizes. This is part of one of the 3 solutions for raising funds for a charity proposed by Aissa Hamada.
People know very well what the disabled and the poor suffer from. In order to advance benevolent action, asking large associations or individuals who can afford it can be a solution. To do this, we must prevent them from the causes that the organization is doing for these unfortunate people. By helping the association, these people participate in the relief of the poor and they receive in return a good image towards society. Emergency phone calls, media or conferences are ways to get the message across for the benefit of charities, according to Aissa Hamada.
Participate In Local Events
Participation in local events is a very sophisticated fundraising technique. There are several activities to do during these events, for example at a fair, fair or carnival, the association can participate in the realization of these events. Profits can be made to improve the organization’s work.
Games are a way to raise funds, raffles or lottoes are a very effective way to raise awareness among as many people as possible to get them involved. Before doing this type of activity, it is first necessary to check the obligations for legal rights.
Running a bar can also bring people together. During the organized festivities, food can be sold. When customers come to eat or buy a product at the bar, you must take advantage of this time to inform them of the actions you take for the unfortunate ones.
These means are very simple to do, it can ensure a good development of the association. Once the organization is expanded, the poor can be rescued.
Collect during an event
The organization of an event with the objective of raising funds is an opportunity for the association to highlight its actions and meet its donors.
Objectives of the event
Promote, raise awareness and give
The organization of collection events is an interesting and complete way for an association to achieve several objectives.
Indeed, this makes it possible to:
raise awareness of the association through the visibility of the event (media coverage, audience participation rates, etc.);

raise awareness of the cause through concrete action: the demonstration or explanation of your actions and your philosophy of intervention through direct contact with potential donors;
Organization of the event
The organization of an event requires a strong investment in human resources upstream. And on the day of the demonstration, it is necessary to be able to count on the mobilization of volunteers. In general, it takes 3 to 5 years to set up an event and to be able to reap the benefits.
To go faster, you can also take advantage of existing fundraising events. The Hero Race is a good example of this type of shared organization, which facilitates the life of associations and is developing more and more. The mobilization of the association’s supporters who will support a team of athletes running for the benefit of the association and a specific project will make it possible to raise funds quickly. The more recurrent the action is (for example, once a year), the more likely it is that your collection will be successful.
Finally, sporting or cultural events often offer to donate the profits to an association. Try to become the beneficiary cause, it will probably require less involvement, although it will depend on the negotiations you have had with the organizers.
The choice to organize your own event or to take advantage of the existing one may be different depending on your strategy, your budget or your ability to mobilize resources.
Good Knowledge
The choice of the event in place is often linked to a technical fundraising solution and therefore to costs for the association. Find out more about all the services that are offered in addition because some can be very useful and can simplify your organization.
Remember that the main purpose of your event is to raise funds. It is therefore essential to think about actions that will make it possible to collect more: purchase of products, paid activities, raffles… This approach will help you achieve your collection goal and make the event more profitable.
Examples of events
Here are some ideas for events:
The screening of a film or documentary related to the cause defended by your association. You can possibly accompany this screening with a debate with the director, the artists or the association’s experts.
A conference or debate on a current topic related to your cause.
A sporting race: marathon, mountain bike, cross country…
A concert or a show (theatre, opera,…).
An auction of works or products made by your beneficiaries or artists.
A charity gala.
An exhibition with opening.
Children’s games, fairs.
Collection: games, food, clothing…
For the event to be a success, the participation rate must be high.
We must therefore think about the communication plan in order to attract the public and bring in as many people as possible. Do not hesitate to communicate before the event!